
Huiching Tseng 曾惠青
Tainan City, Taiwan.
Huiching has two master degrees on Studio Art and Computer Multimedia. Her field cross the traditional art and digital media, teaching subject includes; contemporary art appreciation, formation and materials, creative painting, illustration, stop-motion animation, 2D animation, video editing, motion graphic and etc. During her stay in the. Unite state, she worked as an assistant teacher in the Art education program of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in New York. Her painting and installation works had exhibited in New York, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan in solo or group exhibitions.
Her animations adopt multimedia materials and experimental style. The animations that she has directed or participate in production, have been awarded and screened in hundreds of international film festivals around the world. She was invited as the jury member of a few international film festivals, including; Interfilm short film festival in Berlin, Nis International Animation Festival in Serbia and few Youth Film Festivals in South Korea and so on. She also has been invited to teach animation workshops in different countries, including; the United States, Spain, Hungary, Greece, South Korea, Laos, Turkey and Serbia, etc. Since 2013 she started a volunteer work call” Traveling Filmmaker” program which she bring the university students as volunteers, and went to the remote areas of Taiwan to teach elementary school students to make animation. As of 2020, nearly 30 workshops have been held all over Taiwan. The volunteer program was recognized by the Korean Film Council, and she was invited to give a speech in the International Education Forum which was part of Busan International Film Festival in 2019. The workshop program is also awarded in the Gimpo International Youth Film Festival for Educational Contribution Medal.
Curriculum Vitae
MA in Interactive Multimedia Art, Long Island University C.W.Post, USA.
MFA in Studio Art, City University of New York Queens College, USA.
2000~ current Associate Professor
The Department of Visual Communication Design
Kun Shan University, Tainan city, Taiwan.
Film Festival Position
2024 - Workshop, The 7th Nelson Mandela Children’s Film Festival, South Africa.
2023 - Jury Member, The 11th Mostra International Cinema Education (MICE), Spain.
2020 -Jury Member, The 3rd Gimpo International Youth Film Festival, South Korea
2019 - Lecture, KOFIC International Film Education Symposium, South Korea
2019 - Lecture, An-dong International Youth Film Camp, South Korea
2018 - Lecture, Dong-ah Institute of Media and Arts International Film Camp. South Korea.
2013~now - Organizer, Cinemapsorts International Film Contest, Taiwan and countries worldwide.
2013 - Lecture, The 8th Belgrade International Youth Summit, Belgrade, Serbia.
2013 - Online Interview, The 67 Edinburgh International Film Festival, United Kingdom.
2013 - Jury of International competition, Kids for Kids Film Festival, United Kingdom.
2012 - Lecture & Jury, The 9th Animateka International Animation Festival, Slovenia.
2012 - Director, Tainan 39 hours Film Contest, Taiwan.
2011 - Jury & Curator, The 27th Interflim Berlin International Short Film Festival, Germany.
Retrospective Screening
2018.10.13 The Mini Microcinema-Lil’s + Lils, USA.
2017.9.23~30 The 5th Universal Kid's Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey.
2014.7.24 – 8.2 The 37th Asian American International Film Festival, New York.
2013.08.6-10 The 7th International Colony of Animated Film Festival for Children and Youth, Serbia.
2013.8.5~11 The 8th Belgrade International Youth Summit, Serbia.
2013.01.18~21 MICE International Exhibition Educational, Spain.
2012.12.03~09 The 9th Animateka International Animation Festival, Slovenia.
2012.03.23~30, The 21st Cairo International Film Festival for Children, Cairo Egypt.
2012 APT7 CINEMA: Mountains and Waters: Chinese Animation Since the 1930s, Brisbane, Australia.
Animation Workshop for Children and Youth
2019 Gimpo International Film Festival for Youth, South Korea.
2019 Yeongdo Primary School Busan, South Korea
2019 An-dong International Youth Film Camp, South Korea
2018 Dong-ah Institute of Media and Arts International Film Camp. South Korea.
2017 The 5th Universal Kid's Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey.
2016 Lone Buffalo English school, Xiangkhouang, Laos.
2016 My library film making center, Luang Prabang, Laos
2015 Primanima World Festival of First Animation, Budapest, Hungary.
2015 Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth (SIFFY), Greece.
2014 The 37th Asian American International Film Festival, New York, USA.
2014 The 2nd MICE International Exhibition Educational Cinema, Spain.
2013 The 9th International Colony of Animated Film Festival for Children and Youth in Nice, Serbia.
2013 Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth (SIFFY), Greece.
2020 Jinten Primary School, Kaohsiung. 高雄市林園區金潭國小
2019 Kaohsiung Digital Opportunity Center 高雄林園數位機會中心
2018 Hui-an kinergarden, Kaohsiung. 高雄惠安幼稚園
2018 Hougang Primary School, Tainan. 台南後港國小
2017 Changping Primary School, Tainan. 台南長平國小
2017 Shanwei Primary School, Kaohsiung. 高雄汕尾國小
2017 Hougang Primary School, Tainan. 台南後港國小
2017 Jianan Primary School, Tainan. 台南嘉南國小
2016 Zhai Gang Primary School, Tainan. 台南宅港國小
2015 Fuli Primary School, Hualien. 花蓮縣富里國小
2015 Yongfeng Primary School, Hualien. 花蓮縣永豐國小
2014 Binmao Primary School, Taidong. 台東濱茂國小
2014 Yongan Primary School, Taidong. 台東永安國小
2014 Hoping Primary School, Kaohsiung. 高雄岡山和平國小
2014 Chiai Orphanage, Pingtung. 屏東高樹鄉慈愛之家
2013 Nanzi Speicial School, Kaohsiung. 高雄楠梓特殊學校
2013 Shugang Orphanage, Kaohsiung. 高雄曙光教養院